Today I want to introduce my willing and unwilling models.You will probably see a lot of them on here coz they the only ones I can get to pose and be my guinea piggies for when I’m experimenting with new settings and angles.
Firstly my unwilling model. My very supportive husband that is always my unwilling model when I want to try out new settin
gs. I literally have a dvd full of test photos of him. (yes I keep every single test foto. Whether its good bad or blurred) whether he is sipping a cup of coffee or working very hard on his Home Theatre PC (HTPC) I’ll be there to capture it. Most of the time he moans about the flash going off but I know deep down he secretly love s being photographed because he would some times just turn to me while I’m setting up the shot and give me his most charming smile. Men!!!!!
So besides from being my model he also doubles as my equipment carrying man. So if the saying of behind every successful man there is a woman is true then mine should read: “Behind this successful photographer is a very supportive husband/model/equipment carrying man ”. And I love him so much being all these things for me.
So on to my next model. This one is the very eagerly willing one. I now introduce my beautiful niece and goddaughter. She is born to be infront of the camera and loves every second of it. She might only be 4yrs but the camera loves her. She is an absolute dream to work

with… that is until she gets sleepy & or in her case when she doesn’t get grumpy but she gets very over zelious.( Like she has been injected with a burst of energy that no-one can control). She is so comfortable in front of the camera that she doesn’t even flinch or blink if the flash goes off.
Which makes for great shots coz I never have to worry about blinking or closed eyes. Though I might just see her about twice a year I can tell u

I can spend hours with her and she will strike a pose like no-one’s business. And the times that I’m not takeing pictures she loves chatting up a storm. She is a lady of high fashion and a real little diva of sorts. She knows what she wants and wont take crap from any one.
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