Thursday, August 20, 2009

Me & My outlook

Some might say I'm a multi faceted diva. As I said in my profile I have different loves and passions in my life. the first and foremost love. "my hart se punt" is my dear husband. He comes first in my life no matter what. Then my second love is photography. I’m an aspiring photographer who recently found her passion. I still have a lot to learn but I try to learn something new every single day. It drastically changed my outlook on life and everything in it. My eyes are now open to everything around me. Things I’ve never seen before suddenly becomes a photographic possibility. I now look at how to photograph in different angles to make an ordinary subject extraordinary.

I cant lie but sometimes my creativity is just at an all time low and then at times it just hits a high and everything I take is mostly spot on, of coz that point is only in my opinion. I know professionals would probably find numerous flaws . But hey I’m a beginner and need to practice. One place where I fail to get creative is household items. I see these amazing photos other photogrophers can achieve with household utensils and I’m blown away. Will take a while for me to open that creative door.

Then my 3rd passion is events planning i love organising and planning. Especially the DIY part of it. Making something out of nothing is my speciality. If i could be doing these things every single day of my life I would be happy but alas this is not the case. To pay the bills and put food on the table I have to have a paying 8-4 day job which at this point in time I do not like very much. I'm a Business Analyst, analysing business process, which I must say I am good at it but it doesn't compare to my 3 loves& passion. So if I had a choice I would much rather be galavanting around the world with my hubby taking photo's of every beautiful landscape the planet earth has to offer.

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