Monday, December 5, 2011

Superwomen Yearly Christmas meet

I met all these lovely ladies on a forum more than 3 years ago. We have had a long journey together. we planned our weddings together. Shared each others joy of finding out we were pregnant, reassured each other when the birth date draw near and waited in anticipation of the firt message of our bundles of joys entering the world..  we shared a part of each others lives and all though we do not see each other everyday. But through the forum we were able to hold each others hand through good and bad. These ladies were my support system when i lost my baby in January.

I am so blessed to be part of such a community of strong woman. That can give words of encouragement to each other when we call on them and share in our joys when we share. I still hope to be a part of this community for a long time.They truly are superwomen.


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